Focus of Noam Chomsky writing during 1967-2006 (
Prepared on: Tue May 23 13:41:40 EDT 2006
Use stemmer: TRUE
Phrase arity: 1
Unique words: 17,219
Summary of subjects
2006: 5 articles; 39,486 chars; 1,330 unique words
2005: 7 articles; 69,267 chars; 2,140 unique words
2004: 11 articles; 182,771 chars; 3,267 unique words
2003: 9 articles; 131,243 chars; 2,820 unique words
2002: 11 articles; 186,432 chars; 3,182 unique words
2001: 6 articles; 61,325 chars; 1,691 unique words
2000: 5 articles; 131,265 chars; 2,719 unique words
1999: 8 articles; 231,432 chars; 3,589 unique words
1998: 6 articles; 222,901 chars; 3,716 unique words
1995-1997: 15 articles; 718,842 chars; 6,919 unique words
1993-1995: 12 articles; 585,782 chars; 6,251 unique words
1990-1992: 11 articles; 778,613 chars; 7,419 unique words
198x: 8 articles; 293,215 chars; 4,293 unique words
197x: 17 articles; 867,476 chars; 7,131 unique words
196x: 6 articles; 506,003 chars; 5,362 unique words
Vocabulary shared between all subjects
|state100 |its97 |us94 |world93 |war91 |will91 |report91 |right91 |intern90 |year90 |people89 |govern89 |power89 |time89 |force88 |military88 |american88 |can88 |unit88 |only87 |country87 |polite86 |policy86 |nation86 |support86 |washington85 |much85 |call84 |may84 |any84 |secure84 |general83 |use83 |human83 |interest83 |populous83 |public83 |fact83 |include83 |many83 |control82 |major82 |lead82 |because82 |terror82 |concern81 |economic81 |preside81 |case81 |reason81 |might81 |must81 |america81 |bomb81 |very80 |response80 |effect80 |continue80 |administrator80 |far80 |though80 |observe80 |example80 |issue80
Vocabulary specific to each subject
|kamm100 |m-w65 |lobby48 |venezuela38 |iraq22 |saudi22 |pakistan21 |iran20 |shia20 |beijing20 |sudan19 |thesis18 |bolivia18 |arabia18 |milestone18 |weather17 |sistani16 |quietism16 |varadarjan16 |amoral15 |9-1113 |gas12 |secular12 |argentina12 |altogether12 |iraqi12 |afghan11 |team11 |argentinian11 |sino-saudi11 |gridlock11 |lula11|language100 |chavez64 |ud59 |orleans57 |iraq55 |linguist55 |memo54 |unbounded54 |cognition49 |katrina46 |fema46 |finite43 |river39 |evolution39 |venezuela38 |grammar38 |faculty38 |boomer36 |scientific34 |infinite33 |khaleej33 |npt31 |human-rights30 |hiroshima30 |hurricane26 |mental25 |hypotheses24 |g823 |wetlands23 |bolton23 |crispaz23 |dobriansky23|haiti100 |palestinian92 |arafat91 |voter91 |kerry83 |iraq80 |aristide54 |drug51 |clinton42 |israel41 |saddam41 |think-piece40 |colombia38 |negroponte37 |haitian37 |messianic34 |falluja34 |defiance29 |paramilitary29 |ross29 |terrorist29 |doom29 |ci29 |israeli28 |bush27 |9-1127 |wmd27 |stokes27 |sadat26 |pretext26 |operant24 |anticipatory24|iraq100 |saddam79 |wolfowitz57 |iraqi50 |wmd48 |kurdish39 |rumsfeld38 |turkey38 |turkish36 |laden33 |bin31 |straw29 |qaeda29 |afghan28 |pre-empt28 |anthrax26 |acheson25 |hatred25 |hussein24 |afghanistan24 |terrorist22 |tyrant22 |holbrooke22 |drum20 |sanction20 |hegemony19 |kurds19 |clinton19 |infamy19 |crawford19 |evil18 |dimension18|taliban100 |afghan79 |afghanistan53 |palestinian53 |9-1149 |intcom48 |oct46 |laden41 |bin38 |turkey36 |turkish33 |arab32 |iraq31 |dec29 |shultz29 |israel29 |terrorist29 |kurdish28 |saddam27 |rawa26 |israeli24 |nicaragua24 |extradite22 |osama21 |saudi20 |plo20 |iraqi19 |sept19 |us-uk18 |walker18 |swamp17 |boyce17|voter100 |disenfranchised57 |gore47 |palestinian39 |vote35 |madison31 |incarceration31 |electors29 |class-skewed28 |helicopter26 |censors26 |powerless26 |apache26 |felon24 |felony22 |men22 |neoliberal21 |florida21 |busy19 |clinton19 |ferguson19 |jerusalem18 |neo-liberal18 |higher-income18 |patterson18 |polyarchy18 |manza18 |dahl18 |african-american18 |israeli17 |pr17 |framer17|kosovo100 |serb86 |albanian63 |nato58 |rambouillet39 |osce36 |kla36 |fry33 |serbian29 |eqbal27 |kosovar25 |weller25 |serbia24 |coca23 |drug21 |colombia20 |palestinian19 |farc19 |kvm17 |colombian16 |milosevic16 |unhcr16 |ethnic16 |paramilitary15 |abducted14 |yugoslavia14 |barak14 |cleanse13 |paris13 |timor12 |kla-uck12 |appendices12|kosovo100 |fbi93 |timor78 |indonesian41 |panther38 |nato37 |referendum33 |jakarta33 |indonesia29 |gang27 |serbian25 |cointelpro24 |watergate24 |bohmer21 |ranger21 |timorese20 |blank19 |kopassus19 |milosevic19 |serbia18 |militia18 |serb18 |black17 |diego17 |detroit16 |clinton16 |suharto16 |bureau16 |australian16 |peacekeepers16 |godfrey16 |bpp16|mai100 |ud69 |oecd34 |iraq34 |rogue33 |saddam31 |iraqi28 |debt27 |labor27 |vienna25 |clinton24 |horde23 |uk21 |kuwait19 |sanction19 |wto19 |constituent18 |libya18 |secrecy18 |albright18 |nafta17 |iranian17 |busy15 |haiti15 |annan15 |market14 |libyan14 |multilateral14 |provision14 |puerto13 |loan13 |covenant12|gingrich100 |palestinian98 |oslo83 |rabin80 |busy70 |mcnamara63 |market61 |israel54 |dec51 |welfare50 |clinton49 |drug49 |wto48 |subsidy44 |budget43 |nafta41 |zone41 |labor39 |israeli39 |feb39 |finkelstein37 |japan37 |colombian37 |univ37 |jerusalem36 |plo36 |nyt35 |jordan34 |madison33 |chap33 |contract33 |rollback33|aristide100 |haiti73 |haitian65 |clinton47 |nafta47 |sept27 |israel26 |palestinian24 |nyt23 |labor22 |busy21 |bg19 |plo19 |lebanon17 |market17 |intervention16 |texaco15 |lebanese15 |mexican14 |supercomputer14 |arab14 |foreign14 |israeli13 |oct12 |sciolino12 |timor12 |rabin12 |syria12 |nicaragua12 |colombian12 |nov11 |police11|palestinian100 |iraqi97 |kuwait94 |jfk93 |israel78 |sandinista74 |panama74 |nicaragua67 |plo60 |saddam60 |iraq59 |feb59 |guatemala51 |costa51 |soviet47 |contra47 |arab45 |nicaraguan44 |hussein42 |triumph42 |labor41 |shamir40 |israeli40 |jordan38 |panamanian38 |nsam38 |newman38 |baker37 |hilsman37 |jan36 |nyt35 |somoza35|faurisson100 |nicaragua92 |lemoyne91 |contra69 |sandinista66 |usg57 |el55 |salvador55 |duarte51 |ortega49 |guatemala49 |nicaraguan39 |petition38 |nov38 |squad32 |palestinian29 |prensa28 |ap27 |dec27 |jan27 |uprising26 |curfew26 |honduras25 |proxy25 |arab24 |lenin23 |aldubi23 |bg23 |nyt22 |israel22 |hadashot22 |anti-semite22|lao100 |skinner43 |vietnamese38 |pathet38 |cambodian35 |cambodia28 |vietnam25 |viet24 |indochina24 |sihanouk21 |thai19 |behavior18 |khmer18 |cong17 |vientiane16 |saigon15 |communist14 |thailand13 |nixon13 |japan13 |minh13 |hanoi12 |iv12 |faculty11 |marx11 |chinese11 |pp10 |hoopes10 |southeast10 |phnom10 |penh10 |anarchic10|skinner100 |behavior75 |japanese59 |verbal57 |reinforce50 |japan47 |stimulus45 |manchuria35 |pp32 |chinese31 |stimuli28 |speaker28 |vietnam24 |op23 |cit23 |cf22 |manchurian22 |mand19 |saigon19 |linguist18 |experimenter18 |manchukuo17 |notion17 |strength16 |rat16 |young16 |pacific16 |frequency15 |resist14 |listen14 |kwantung14 |complex14
Subject resources used for this analysis